What is a Photographer?

Photographer Job Description

Photographers are responsible for capturing photographs of people, products, landscapes, legal evidence, fashion, events and other subjects using film or digital media.


Photographers may specialize in any number fields, such as science, fashion, advertising, portraits, events, forensics, photojournalism or others.


They may be employed by corporations, event planning companies, media outlets, law enforcement agencies, portrait studios, or other organizations. They might also operate as freelance photographers.



Typical Job Duties

• Consult with clients, editors or managers in order to gain an understanding of the assignment

• Determine location of shoot and what pieces of equipment will be needed

• Select the appropriate equipment, such as floodlights, lenses, reflectors and electronic flashes

• Set up equipment and adjust cameras for desired focus, exposure, composition and other settings

• Take multiple photographs and select the best from among them

• Test and maintain all equipment

• Re-touch images using various techniques


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